a large number of (string,X) pairs.
Maps are fine for relatively small containers
(say a few hundred or few thousand elements -- access to an element of a map of 10000
elements costs about 9 comparisons), where less-than is cheap, and where no
good hash-function can be constructed. If you have lots of strings and a good hash function,
use a hash table.
The unordered_map from the standard committee's Technical Report is now widely
available and is far better than most people's homebrew.
Sometimes, you can speed up things by using (const char*,X) pairs rather than (string,X) pairs,
but remember that < doesn't do lexicographical comparison for C-style strings. Also, if X is large,
you may have the copy problem also (solve it in one of the usual ways).
Intrusive lists can be really fast.
However, consider whether you need a list at all: a vector is more
compact and is therefore smaller and faster in many cases - even when you do inserts and erases.
For example, if you logically have a list of a few integer elements, a vector is significantly
faster than a list (any list).
Also, intrusive lists cannot hold built-in types directly (an int does not have a link member).
So, assume that you really need
a list and that you can supply a link field for every element type. The standard-library list
by default performs an allocation followed by a copy for each operation inserting an element
(and a deallocation for each operation removing an element). For std::list with the
default allocator, this can be significant. For small elements where the copy overhead is not
significant, consider using an optimized allocator. Use a hand-crafted intrusive lists only
where a list and the last ounce of performance is needed.
People sometimes worry about the cost of std::vector growing incrementally.
I used to worry about that and used reserve() to optimize the growth.
After measuring my code and repeatedly having trouble finding the performance benefits of reserve()
in real programs,
I stopped using it except where it is needed to avoid iterator invalidation (a rare case in my code).
Again: measure before you optimize.
It does not.
"Friend" is an explicit mechanism for granting access, just like membership.
You cannot (in a standard conforming program) grant yourself access to a
class without modifying its source.
For example:
class X {
int i;
void m(); // grant X::m() access
friend void f(X&); // grant f(X&) access
// ...
void X::m() { i++; /* X::m() can access X::i */ }
void f(X& x) { x.i++; /* f(X&) can access X::i */ }
For a description on the C++ protection model, see D&E sec 2.10
TC++PL sec 11.5, 15.3, and C.11.
This is a question that comes in many forms.
Such as:
- Why does the compiler copy my objects when I don't want it to?
- How do I turn off copying?
- How do I stop implicit conversions?
- How did my int turn into a complex number?
By default a class is given a copy constructor and a copy assignment that copy all elements.
For example:
struct Point {
int x,y;
Point(int xx = 0, int yy = 0) :x(xx), y(yy) { }
Point p1(1,2);
Point p2 = p1;
Here we get p2.x==p1.x and p2.y==p1.y.
That's often exactly what you want (and essential for C compatibility), but consider:
class Handle {
string name;
X* p;
Handle(string n)
:name(n), p(0) { /* acquire X called "name" and let p point to it */ }
~Handle() { delete p; /* release X called "name" */ }
// ...
void f(const string& hh)
Handle h1(hh);
Handle h2 = h1; // leads to disaster!
// ...
Here, the default copy gives us and h2.p==h1.p.
This leads to disaster: when we exit f() the destructors for h1 and h2 are invoked and the object
pointed to by h1.p and h2.p is deleted twice.
How do we avoid this?
The simplest solution is to prevent copying by making the operations that copy private:
class Handle {
string name;
X* p;
Handle(const Handle&); // prevent copying
Handle& operator=(const Handle&);
Handle(string n)
:name(n), p(0) { /* acquire the X called "name" and let p point to it */ }
~Handle() { delete p; /* release X called "name" */ }
// ...
void f(const string& hh)
Handle h1(hh);
Handle h2 = h1; // error (reported by compiler)
// ...
If we need to copy,
we can of course define the copy initializer and the copy assignment to provide the desired semantics.
Now return to Point.
For Point the default copy semantics is fine, the problem is the constructor:
struct Point {
int x,y;
Point(int xx = 0, int yy = 0) :x(xx), y(yy) { }
void f(Point);
void g()
Point orig; // create orig with the default value (0,0)
Point p1(2); // create p1 with the default y-coordinate 0
f(2); // calls Point(2,0);
People provide default arguments to get the convinence used for orig and p1.
Then, some are surprised by the conversion of 2 to Point(2,0) in the call of f().
A constructor taking a single argument defines a conversion.
By default that's an implicit conversion.
To require such a conversion to be explicit, declare the constructor explicit:
struct Point {
int x,y;
explicit Point(int xx = 0, int yy = 0) :x(xx), y(yy) { }
void f(Point);
void g()
Point orig; // create orig with the default value (0,0)
Point p1(2); // create p1 with the default y-coordinate 0
// that's an explicit call of the constructor
f(2); // error (attmpted implicit conversion)
Point p2 = 2; // error (attmpted implicit conversion)
Point p3 = Point(2); // ok (explicit conversion)
C++ inherited pointers from C, so I couldn't remove them without causing
serious compatibility problems.
References are useful for several things, but the direct reason I introduced
them in C++ was to support operator overloading.
For example:
void f1(const complex* x, const complex* y) // without references
complex z = *x+*y; // ugly
// ...
void f2(const complex& x, const complex& y) // with references
complex z = x+y; // better
// ...
More generally, if you want to have both the functionality of pointers and the functionality of references, you need either two different types (as in C++)
or two different sets of operations on a single type.
For example, with a single type you need both an operation to assign to the
object referred to and an operation to assign to the reference/pointer.
This can be done using separate operators (as in Simula). For example:
Ref<My_type> r :- new My_type;
r := 7; // assign to object
r :- new My_type; // assign to reference
Alternatively, you could rely on type checking (overloading).For example:
Ref<My_type> r = new My_type;
r = 7; // assign to object
r = new My_type; // assign to reference
That depends on what you are trying to achieve:
If you want to change the object passed, call by reference or use a pointer; e.g. void f(X&); or void f(X*);
If you don't want to change the object passed and it is big, call by const reference; e.g. void f(const X&);
Otherwise, call by value; e.g. void f(X);
What do I mean by "big"?
Anything larger than a couple of words.
Why would I want to change an argument?
Well, often we have to, but often we have an alternative: produce a new value. Consider:
void incr1(int& x); // increment
int incr2(int x); // increment
int v = 2;
incr1(v); // v becomes 3
v = incr2(v); // v becomes 4
I think that for a reader, incr2() is easier to understand.
That is, incr1() is more likely to lead to mistakes and errors.
So, I'd prefer the style that returns a new value over the one that modifies a value
as long as the creation and copy of a new value isn't expensive.
I do want to change the argument, should I use a pointer or should I use a reference?
I don't know a strong logical reason.
If passing ``not an object'' (e.g. a null pointer) is acceptable, using a pointer makes sense.
My personal style is to use a pointer when I want to modify an object because in some contexts
that makes it easier to spot that a modification is possible.
Note also that a call of a member function is essentially a call-by-reference on the object,
so we often use member functions when we want to modify the value/state of an object.
Because "this" was introduced into C++ (really into C with Classes) before references were added.
Also, I chose "this" to follow Simula usage, rather than the (later) Smalltalk use of "self".
In terms of time and space,
an array is just about the optimal construct for accessing a sequence of objects in memory.
It is, however, also a very low level data structure with a vast potential for misuse and errors
and in essentially all cases there are better alternatives. By "better" I mean easier to write,
easier to read, less error prone, and as fast.
The two fundamental problems with arrays are that
an array doesn't know its own size
the name of an array converts to a pointer to its first element at the slightest provocation
Consider some examples:
void f(int a[], int s)
// do something with a; the size of a is s
for (int i = 0; i<s; ++i) a[i] = i;
int arr1[20];
int arr2[10];
void g()
The second call will scribble all over memory that doesn't belong to arr2.
Naturally, a programmer usually get the size right, but it's extra work
and ever so often someone makes the mistake.
I prefer the simpler and cleaner version using the standard library vector:
void f(vector<int>& v)
// do something with v
for (int i = 0; i<v.size(); ++i) v[i] = i;
vector<int> v1(20);
vector<int> v2(10);
void g()
Since an array doesn't know its size, there can be no array assignment:
void f(int a[], int b[], int size)
a = b; // not array assignment
memcpy(a,b,size); // a = b
// ...
Again, I prefer vector:
void g(vector<int>& a, vector<int>& b, int size)
a = b;
// ...
Another advantage of vector here is that memcpy() is not going to do the right thing for
elements with copy constructors, such as strings.
void f(string a[], string b[], int size)
a = b; // not array assignment
memcpy(a,b,size); // disaster
// ...
void g(vector<string>& a, vector<string>& b, int size)
a = b;
// ...
An array is of a fixed size determined at compile time:
const int S = 10;
void f(int s)
int a1[s]; // error
int a2[S]; // ok
// if I want to extend a2, I'll have to change to an array
// allocated on free store using malloc() and use realloc()
// ...
To contrast:
const int S = 10;
void g(int s)
vector<int> v1(s); // ok
vector<int> v2(S); // ok
// ...
C99 allows variable array bounds for local arrays, but those VLAs have their own problems.
The way that array names "decay" into pointers is fundamental to their use in C and C++.
However, array decay interact very badly with inheritance. Consider:
class Base { void fct(); /* ... */ };
class Derived { /* ... */ };
void f(Base* p, int sz)
for (int i=0; i<sz; ++i) p[i].fct();
Base ab[20];
Derived ad[20];
void g()
f(ad,20); // disaster!
In the last call, the Derived[] is treated as a Base[] and the subscripting no longer works correctly when sizeof(Derived)!=sizeof(Base) -- as will be the case in most cases of interest.
If we used vectors instead, the error would be caught at compile time:
void f(vector<Base>& v)
for (int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) v[i].fct();
vector<Base> ab(20);
vector<Derived> ad(20);
void g()
f(ad); // error: cannot convert a vector<Derived> to a vector<Base>
I find that an astonishing number of novice programming errors in C and C++ relate to
(mis)uses of arrays.
There didn't (and doesn't) seem to be a sufficient need.
In C++, the definition of NULL is 0, so there is only an aesthetic difference.
I prefer to avoid macros, so I use 0.
Another problem with NULL is that people sometimes mistakenly believe that it
is different from 0 and/or not an integer.
In pre-standard code, NULL was/is sometimes defined to something unsuitable
and therefore had/has to be avoided. That's less common these days.
If you have to name the null pointer, call it nullptr; that's what it's going to be called in C++0x.
Then, "nullptr" will be a keyword.
Like C, C++ doesn't define layouts, just semantic constraints that must
be met. Therefore different implementations do things differently.
Unfortunately, the best explanation I know of is in a book that is
otherwise outdated and doesn't describe any current C++ implementation:
The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
(usually called the ARM). It has diagrams of key layout examples.
There is a very brief explanation in Chapter 2 of TC++PL.
Basically, C++ constructs objects simply by concatenating sub objects. Thus
struct A { int a,b; };
is represented by two ints next to each other, and
struct B : A { int c; };
is represented by an A followed by an int; that is, by three ints next to
each other.
Virtual functions are typically implemented by adding a pointer (the vptr)
to each object of a class with virtual functions. This pointer points to
the appropriate table of functions (the vtbl). Each class has its own vtbl
shared by all objects of that class.
It's undefined.
Basically, in C and C++, if you read a variable twice in an expression where you also
write it, the result is undefined.
Don't do that.
Another example is:
v[i] = i++;
Related example:
Here, the result is undefined because the order of evaluation of function arguments are undefined.
Having the order of evaluation undefined is claimed to yield better performing code.
Compilers could warn about such examples, which are typically subtle bugs (or potential subtle bugs).
I'm disappointed that after decades, most compilers still don't warn, leaving that job to
specialized, separate, and underused tools.
Because machines differ and because C left many things undefined. For details, including definitions
of the terms "undefined", "unspecified", "implementation defined", and "well-formed";
see the ISO C++ standard.
Note that the meaning of those terms differ from their definition of the ISO C standard
and from some common usage.
You can get wonderfully confused discussions when people don't realize that not everybody
share definitions.
This is a correct, if unsatisfactory, answer.
Like C, C++ is meant to exploit hardware directly and efficiently. This implies that C++ must deal
with hardware entities such as bits, bytes, words, addresses, integer computations, and
floating-point computations the way they are on a given machine, rather than how we might
like them to be.
Note that many "things" that people refer to as "undefined" are in fact "implementation defined",
so that we can write perfectly specified code as long as we know which machine we are running on.
Sizes of integers and the rounding behaviour of floating-point computations fall into that category.
Consier what is probably the the best known and most infamous example of undefined behavior:
int a[10];
a[100] = 0; // range error
int* p = a;
// ...
p[100] = 0; // range error (unless we gave p a better value before that assignment)
The C++ (and C) notion of array and pointer are direct representations of a machine's notion
of memory and addresses, provided with no overhead. The primitive operations on pointers map
directly onto machine instructions. In particular, no range checking is done. Doing range checking
would impose a cost in terms of run time and code size. C was designed to outcompete assembly code
for operating systems tasks, so that was a necessary decision. Also, C -- unlike C++ --
has no reasonable way of reporting a violation had a compiler decided to generate code to detect it:
There are no exceptions in C.
C++ followed C for reasons of
compatibility and because it too compete directly with assembler (in OS, embedded systems, and
some numeric computation areas). If you want range checking, use a suitable checked class
(vector, smart pointer, string, etc.).
A good compiler could catch the range error for a[100] at compile time, catching the one for p[100]
is far more difficult, and in general it is impossible to catch every range error at compile time.
Other examples of undefined behavior stems from the compilation model.
A compiler cannot detect an inconsistent definition of an object or a function in separately-compiled
translation units. For example:
// file1.c:
struct S { int x,y; };
int f(struct S* p) { return p->x; }
// file2.c:
struct S { int y,x; }
int main()
struct S s;
s.x = 1;
int x = f(&s); // x!=ss.x !!
return 2;
Compiling file1.c and file2.c and linking the results into the same program is illegal
in both C and C++.
A linker could catch the inconsistent definition of S, but is not obliged to do so (and most don't).
In many cases, it can be quite difficult to catch inconsistencies between separately
compiled translation units.
Consistent use of header files helps minimize such problems and there are some signs that linkers
are improving.
Note that C++ linkers do catch almost all errors related to inconsistently declared
Finally, we have the apparently unnecessary and rather annoying undefined behavior of individual
expressions. For example:
void out1() { cout << 1; }
void out2() { cout << 2; }
int main()
int i = 10;
int j = ++i + i++; // value of j unspecified
f(out1(),out2()); // prints 12 or 21
The value of j is unspecified to allow compilers to produce optimal code. It is claimed that the
difference between what can be produced giving the compiler this freedom and requiring
"ordinary left-to-right evaluation" can be significant. I'm unconvinced, but with innumerable compilers
"out there" taking advantage of the freedom and some people passionately defending that freedom, a
change would be difficult and could take decades to penetrate to the distant corners of the C and C++
I am disappointed that not all compilers warn against code such as ++i+i++.
Similarly, the order of evaluation of arguments is unspecified.
IMO far too many "things" are left undefined, unspecified, implementation-defined, etc.
However, that's easy to say and even to give examples of, but hard to fix.
It should also be noted that it is not all that difficult to avoid most of the problems and produce
portable code.
Well, you can, and it's quite easy and general.
template<class Container>
void draw_all(Container& c)
If there is a type error, it will be in the resolution of the fairly
complicated for_each() call. For example, if the element type of the
container is an int,
then we get some kind of obscure error related to the for_each()
call (because we can't invoke Shape::draw() for an int).
To catch such errors early, I can write:
template<class Container>
void draw_all(Container& c)
Shape* p = c.front(); // accept only containers of Shape*s
The initialization of the spurious variable "p" will trigger a comprehensible
error message from most current compilers. Tricks like this are common
in all languages and have to be developed for all novel constructs.
In production code, I'd probably write something like:
template<class Container>
void draw_all(Container& c)
typedef typename Container::value_type T;
Can_copy<T,Shape*>(); // accept containers of only Shape*s
This makes it clear that I'm making an assertion.
The Can_copy template can be defined like this:
template<class T1, class T2> struct Can_copy {
static void constraints(T1 a, T2 b) { T2 c = a; b = a; }
Can_copy() { void(*p)(T1,T2) = constraints; }
Can_copy checks (at compile time) that a T1 can be assigned to a T2.
Can_copy<T,Shape*> checks that T is a Shape* or a pointer to
a class publicly derived from Shape* or a type with a user-defined conversion
to Shape*.
Note that the definition is close to minimal:
one line to name the constraints to be checked and the types for which
to check them
one line to list the specific constraints checked (the constraints() function)
one line to provide a way to trigger the check (the constructor)
Note also that the definition has the desirable properties that
You can express constraints without declaring or copying variables,
thus the writer of a constraint doesn't have to make assumptions about
how a type is initialized, whether objects can be copied, destroyed, etc.
(unless, of course, those are the properties being tested by the constraint)
No code is generated for a constraint using current compilers
No macros are needed to define or use constraints
Current compilers give acceptable error messages for a failed constraint,
including the word "constraints" (to give the reader a clue), the name of
the constraints, and the specific error that caused the failure (e.g. "cannot
initialize Shape* by double*")
So why is something like Can_copy() - or something even more elegant - not in
the language?
contains an analysis of the difficulties involved in expressing general
constraints for C++.
Since then, many ideas have emerged for making these constraints classes
easier to write and still trigger good error messages. For example,
I believe the use of a pointer to function the way I do in Can_copy
originates with Alex Stepanov and Jeremy Siek.
I don't think that
Can_copy() is quite ready for standardization - it needs more use.
Also, different forms of constraints are in use in the C++ community;
there is not yet a consensus on exactly what form of constraints templates
is the most effective over a wide range of uses.
However, the idea is very general, more general than language facilities
that have been proposed and provided specifically for constraints checking.
After all, when we write
a template we have the full expressive power of C++ available.
template<class T, class B> struct Derived_from {
static void constraints(T* p) { B* pb = p; }
Derived_from() { void(*p)(T*) = constraints; }
template<class T1, class T2> struct Can_copy {
static void constraints(T1 a, T2 b) { T2 c = a; b = a; }
Can_copy() { void(*p)(T1,T2) = constraints; }
template<class T1, class T2 = T1> struct Can_compare {
static void constraints(T1 a, T2 b) { a==b; a!=b; a<b; }
Can_compare() { void(*p)(T1,T2) = constraints; }
template<class T1, class T2, class T3 = T1> struct Can_multiply {
static void constraints(T1 a, T2 b, T3 c) { c = a*b; }
Can_multiply() { void(*p)(T1,T2,T3) = constraints; }
struct B { };
struct D : B { };
struct DD : D { };
struct X { };
int main()
// the classical "elements must derived from Mybase*" constraint:
template<class T> class Container : Derived_from<T,Mybase> {
// ...
Actually, Derived_from doesn't check derivation, but conversion, but that's
often a better constraint.
Finding good names for constraints can be hard.
To a novice,
looks pretty weird, and is harder to understand than
To an expert, the fact that sort()
tends to be faster than qsort()
for the same elements and the same comparison criteria is often significant.
Also, sort() is generic, so that it can be used for any reasonable
combination of container type, element type, and comparison criterion.
For example:
struct Record {
string name;
// ...
struct name_compare { // compare Records using "name" as the key
bool operator()(const Record& a, const Record& b) const
{ return<; }
void f(vector<Record>& vs)
sort(vs.begin(), vs.end(), name_compare());
// ...
In addition, most people appreciate that sort() is type safe, that no casts
are required to use it, and that they don't have to write a compare() function for
standard types.
For a more detailed explanation, see my paper
"Learning C++ as a New language", which you can download from my publications list.
The primary reason that sort() tends to outperform qsort() is that the
comparison inlines better.
An object that in some way behaves like a function, of course.
Typically, that would mean an object of a class that defines the application
operator - operator().
A function object is a more general concept
than a function because a function object
can have state that persist across several calls (like a static local variable)
and can be initialized and examined from outside the object (unlike a static
local variable).
For example:
class Sum {
int val;
Sum(int i) :val(i) { }
operator int() const { return val; } // extract value
int operator()(int i) { return val+=i; } // application
void f(vector<int> v)
Sum s = 0; // initial value 0
s = for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), s); // gather the sum of all elements
cout << "the sum is " << s << "\n";
// or even:
cout << "the sum is " << for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), Sum(0)) << "\n";
Note that a function object with an inline application operator inlines
beautifully because there are no pointers involved that might confuse
optimizers. To contrast: current optimizers are rarely (never?) able to
inline a call through a pointer to function.
Function objects are extensively used to provide flexibility in the standard
By writing code that doesn't have any. Clearly, if your code has new
operations, delete operations, and pointer arithmetic all over the place,
you are going to mess up
somewhere and get leaks, stray pointers, etc.
This is true independently of how conscientious you are with your allocations:
eventually the complexity
of the code will overcome the time and effort you can afford.
It follows that successful
techniques rely on hiding allocation and deallocation inside more manageable
Good examples are the standard containers. They manage memory for their
elements better than you could without disproportionate effort.
Consider writing this without the help of string and vector:
using namespace std;
int main() // small program messing around with strings
cout << "enter some whitespace-separated words:\n";
vector<string> v;
string s;
while (cin>>s) v.push_back(s);
string cat;
typedef vector<string>::const_iterator Iter;
for (Iter p = v.begin(); p!=v.end(); ++p) cat += *p+"+";
cout << cat << '\n';
What would be your chance of getting it right the first time? And how would
you know you didn't have a leak?
Note the absence of explicit memory
management, macros, casts, overflow checks, explicit size limits, and
pointers. By using a function object and a standard algorithm, I could have
eliminated the pointer-like use of the iterator, but that seemed overkill
for such a tiny program.
These techniques are not perfect and it is not always easy to use them
systematically. However, they apply surprisingly widely and by reducing
the number of explicit allocations and deallocations you make the remaining
examples much easier to keep track of.
As early as 1981, I pointed out that by reducing the number of objects that
I had to keep track of explicitly from many tens of thousands to a few dozens,
I had reduced the intellectual effort needed to get the program right from
a Herculean task to something manageable, or even easy.
If your application area doesn't have libraries that make programming that
minimizes explicit memory management easy, then the fastest way of getting
your program complete and correct might be to first build such a library.
Templates and the standard libraries make this use of containers, resource
handles, etc., much easier than it was even a few years ago. The use of
exceptions makes it close to essential.
If you cannot handle allocation/deallocation implicitly as part of an object
you need in your application anyway, you can use a resource handle
to minimize the chance of a leak.
Here is an example where I need to return an object allocated on the free store
from a function.
This is an opportunity to forget to delete that object.
After all, we cannot tell just looking at pointer whether it needs to be
deallocated and if so who is responsible for that.
Using a resource handle, here the standard library auto_ptr, makes it clear
where the responsibility lies:
using namespace std;
struct S {
S() { cout << "make an S\n"; }
~S() { cout << "destroy an S\n"; }
S(const S&) { cout << "copy initialize an S\n"; }
S& operator=(const S&) { cout << "copy assign an S\n"; }
S* f()
return new S; // who is responsible for deleting this S?
auto_ptr<S> g()
return auto_ptr<S>(new S); // explicitly transfer responsibility for deleting this S
int main()
cout << "start main\n";
S* p = f();
cout << "after f() before g()\n";
// S* q = g(); // this error would be caught by the compiler
auto_ptr<S> q = g();
cout << "exit main\n";
// leaks *p
// implicitly deletes *q
Think about resources in general, rather than simply about memory.
If systematic application of these techniques is not possible in your
environment (you have to use code from elsewhere, part of your program
was written by Neanderthals, etc.), be sure to use a memory leak detector
as part of your standard development procedure, or plug in a garbage
In other words, why doesn't C++ provide a primitive for returning to the
point from which an exception was thrown and continuing execution from there?
Basically, someone resuming from an exception handler can never be sure that
the code after the point of throw was written to deal with the excecution
just continuing as if nothing had happened. An exception handler cannot know
how much context to "get right" before resuming.
To get such code right, the writer of the throw and the writer of the catch
need intimate knowledge of each others code and context. This creates a
complicated mutual dependency that wherever it has been allowed has led to
serious maintenance problems.
I seriously considered the possibility
of allowing resumption when I designed the C++ exception handling mechanism
and this issue was discussed in quite some detail during standardization.
See the exception handling chapter of
The Design and Evolution of C++.
If you want to check to see if you can fix a problem before throwing an
exception, call a function that checks and then throws only if the problem
cannot be dealt with locally. A new_handler is an example of this.
If you want to, you can of course use realloc().
However, realloc() is only guaranteed to work on arrays allocated by malloc()
(and similar functions)
containing objects without user-defined copy constructors.
Also, please remember that contrary to naive expectations,
realloc() occasionally does copy its argument array.
In C++, a better way of dealing with reallocation is to use a standard
library container, such as vector, and
let it grow naturally.
See The C++ Programming Language section 8.3, Chapter 14, and Appendix E.
The appendix focuses on techniques for writing exception-safe code in
demanding applications, and is not written for novices.
In C++, exceptions is used to signal errors that cannot be handled locally,
such as the failure to acquire a resource in a constructor. For example:
class Vector {
int sz;
int* elem;
class Range_error { };
Vector(int s) : sz(s) { if (sz<0) throw Range_error(); /* ... */ }
// ...
Do not use exceptions as simply another way to return a value from a function.
Most users assume - as the language definition encourages them to - that exception-handling
code is error-handling code,
and implementations are optimized to reflect that assumption.
A key technique is
resource acquisiton is initialization (sometimes abbreviated to RAII),
which uses classes with destructors to impose order on resource management.
For example:
void fct(string s)
File_handle f(s,"r"); // File_handle's constructor opens the file called "s"
// use f
} // here File_handle's destructor closes the file
If the "use f" part of fct() throws an exception, the destructor is still thrown and
the file is properly closed.
This contrasts to the common unsafe usage:
void old_fct(const char* s)
FILE* f = fopen(s,"r"); // open the file named "s"
// use f
fclose(f); // close the file
If the "use f" part of old_fct throws an exception - or simply does a return - the file isn't
closed. In C programs, longjmp() is an additional hazard.
Because that would open a hole in the type system. For example:
class Apple : public Fruit { void apple_fct(); /* ... */ };
class Orange : public Fruit { /* ... */ }; // Orange doesn't have apple_fct()
vector<Apple*> v; // vector of Apples
void f(vector<Fruit*>& vf) // innocent Fruit manipulating function
vf.push_back(new Orange); // add orange to vector of fruit
void h()
f(v); // error: cannot pass a vector<Apple*> as a vector<Fruit*>
for (int i=0; i<v.size; ++i) v[i]->apple_fct();
Had the call f(v) been legal, we would have had an Orange pretending to be an Apple.
An alternative language design decision would have been to allow the unsafe conversion,
but rely on dynamic
checking. That would have required a run-time check for each access to v's members, and h()
would have had to throw an exception upon encountering the last element of v.
We don't need one: generic programming provides statically type safe alternatives in most cases.
Other cases are handled using multiple inheritance.
There is no useful universal class: a truly universal carries no semantics of its own.
A "universal" class encourages sloppy thinking about types and interfaces and leads
to excess run-time checking.
Using a universal base class implies cost:
Objects must be heap-allocated to be polymorphic; that implies memory and access cost.
Heap objects don't naturally support copy semantics.
Heap objects don't support simple scoped behavior (which complicates
resource management).
A universal base class encourages use of dynamic_cast and other run-time checking.
Yes. I have simplified the arguments, but this is a FAQ, not an academic paper.
You can read a single, whitespace terminated word like this:
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Please enter a word:\n";
string s;
cout << "You entered " << s << '\n';
Note that there is no explicit memory management and no fixed-sized buffer
that you could possibly overflow.
If you really need a whole line (and not just a single word) you can do this:
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Please enter a line:\n";
string s;
cout << "You entered " << s << '\n';
For a brief introduction to standard library facilities, such as iostream and
string, see Chaper 3 of TC++PL3 (available online).
For a detailed comparison of simple uses of C and C++ I/O, see "Learning Standard C++ as a New Language", which you can download from my publications list
No. generics are primarily syntactic sugar for abstract classes; that is, with generics
(whether Java or C# generics), you program against
precisely defined interfaces and typically pay the cost of virtual function calls and/or dynamic
casts to use arguments.
Templates supports generic programming, template metaprogramming, etc. through a combination
of features such as integer template arguments, specialization, and uniform treatment of built-in
and user-defined types. The result is flexibility, generality, and performance unmatched by
"generics". The STL is the prime example.
A less desirable result of the flexibility is late detection of errors and horrendously
bad error messages. This is currently being addressed indirectly with
constraints classes
and will be directly addressed in C++0x with concepts (see my publications, my proposals,
The standards committee's site for all proposals).
Yes: You should throw an exception from a constructor whenever you cannot properly
initialize (construct) an object.
There is no really satisfactory alternative to exiting a constructor by a throw.
Not really: You can throw an exception in a destructor, but that exception must not leave the
destructor; if a destructor exits by a throw, all kinds of bad things are likely to happen
because the basic rules of the standard library and the language itself will be violated.
Don't do it.
For examples and detailed explanations, see Appendix E of The C++ Programming Language.
There is a caveat: Exceptions can't be used for some hard-real time projects.
For example, see
the JSF air vehicle C++ coding standards.
Because C++ supports an alternative that is almost always better:
The "resource acquisition is initialization" technique (TC++PL3 section 14.4).
The basic idea is to represent a resource by a local object, so that the
local object's destructor will release the resource. That way, the programmer
cannot forget to release the resource.
For example:
class File_handle {
FILE* p;
File_handle(const char* n, const char* a)
{ p = fopen(n,a); if (p==0) throw Open_error(errno); }
File_handle(FILE* pp)
{ p = pp; if (p==0) throw Open_error(errno); }
~File_handle() { fclose(p); }
operator FILE*() { return p; }
// ...
void f(const char* fn)
File_handle f(fn,"rw"); // open fn for reading and writing
// use file through f
In a system, we need a "resource handle" class for each resource. However,
we don't have to have an "finally" clause for each acquisition of a resource.
In realistic systems, there are far more resource acquisitions than kinds
of resources, so the "resource acquisition is initialization" technique leads
to less code than use of a "finally" construct.
Also, have a look at the examples of resource management in
Appendix E of The C++ Programming Language.
An auto_ptr is an example of very simple handle class, defined in <memory>,
supporting exception safety using the
resource acquisition is initialization technique.
An auto_ptr holds a pointer, can be used as a pointer, and deletes the object
pointed to at the end of its scope.
For example:
using namespace std;
struct X {
int m;
// ..
void f()
auto_ptr<X> p(new X);
X* q = new X;
p->m++; // use p just like a pointer
// ...
delete q;
If an exception is thrown in the ... part, the object held by p is correctly
deleted by auto_ptr's destructor while the X pointed to by q is leaked.
See TC++PL 14.4.2 for details.
Auto_ptr is a very lightweight class. In particular, it is *not* a reference
counted pointer. If you "copy" one auto_ptr into another, the assigned to
auto_ptr holds the pointer and the assigned auto_ptr holds 0.
For example:
using namespace std;
struct X {
int m;
// ..
int main()
auto_ptr<X> p(new X);
auto_ptr<X> q(p);
cout << "p " << p.get() << " q " << q.get() << "\n";
should print a 0 pointer followed by a non-0 pointer. For example:
p 0x0 q 0x378d0
auto_ptr::get() returns the held pointer.
This "move semantics" differs from the usual "copy semantics", and can be
surprising. In particular, never use an auto_ptr as a member of a standard
container. The standard containers require the usual copy semantics.
For example:
std::vector<auto_ptr<X> >v; // error
An auto_ptr holds a pointer to an indiviual element, not a pointer to an array:
void f(int n)
auto_ptr<X> p(new X[n]); // error
// ...
This is an error because the destructor will delete the pointer using "delete"
rather than "delete[]" and will fail to invoke the destructor for the last n-1
So should we use an auto_array to hold arrays? No. There is no auto_array.
The reason is that there isn't a need for one. A better solution is to use
a vector:
void f(int n)
vector<X> v(n);
// ...
Should an exception occur in the ... part, v's destructor will be correctly
"malloc()" is a function that takes a number (of bytes) as its argument;
it returns a void* pointing to unitialized storage.
"new" is an operator that takes a type and (optionally) a set of initializers for that type
as its arguments;
it returns a pointer to an (optionally) initialized object of its type.
The difference is most obvious when you want to allocate an object of a user-defined type
with non-trivial initialization semantics.
class Circle : public Shape {
Cicle(Point c, int r);
// no default constructor
// ...
class X {
X(); // default constructor
// ...
void f(int n)
void* p1 = malloc(40); // allocate 40 (uninitialized) bytes
int* p2 = new int[10]; // allocate 10 uninitialized ints
int* p3 = new int(10); // allocate 1 int initialized to 10
int* p4 = new int(); // allocate 1 int initialized to 0
int* p4 = new int; // allocate 1 uninitialized int
Circle* pc1 = new Circle(Point(0,0),10); // allocate a Circle constructed
// with the specified argument
Circle* pc2 = new Circle; // error no default constructor
X* px1 = new X; // allocate a default constructed X
X* px2 = new X(); // allocate a default constructed X
X* px2 = new X[10]; // allocate 10 default constructed Xs
// ...
Note that when you specify a initializer using the "(value)" notation,
you get initialization with that value.
Unfortunately, you cannot specify that for an array.
Often, a vector is a better alternative to a free-store-allocated array
(e.g., consider exception safety).
Whenever you use malloc() you must consider initialization and convertion of the return pointer to
a proper type. You will also have to consider if you got the number of bytes right for your use.
There is no performance difference between malloc() and new when you take initialization into account.
malloc() reports memory exhaustion by returning 0.
new reports allocation and initialization errors by throwing exceptions.
Objects created by new are destroyed by delete.
Areas of memory allocated by malloc() are deallocated by free().
Yes, in the sense that you can use malloc() and new in the same program.
No, in the sense that you cannot allocate an object with malloc() and free it
using delete. Nor can you allocate with new and delete with free() or use
realloc() on an array allocated by new.
The C++ operators new and delete guarantee proper construction and destruction;
where constructors or destructors need to be invoked, they are. The C-style
functions malloc(), calloc(), free(), and realloc() doesn't ensure that.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the mechanism used by new and delete
to acquire and release raw memory is compatible with malloc() and free().
If mixing styles works on your system, you were simply "lucky" - for now.
If you feel the need for realloc() - and many do - then consider
using a standard library vector.
For example
// read words from input into a vector of strings:
vector<string> words;
string s;
while (cin>>s && s!=".") words.push_back(s);
The vector expands as needed.
See also the examples and discussion in "Learning Standard C++ as a New
Language", which you can download from my publications list.
In C, you can implicitly convert a void* to a T*. This is unsafe. Consider:
int main()
char i = 0;
char j = 0;
char* p = &i;
void* q = p;
int* pp = q; /* unsafe, legal C, not C++ */
printf("%d %d\n",i,j);
*pp = -1; /* overwrite memory starting at &i */
printf("%d %d\n",i,j);
The effects of using a T* that doesn't point to a T can be disastrous.
Consequently, in C++, to get a T* from a void* you need an explicit cast.
For example, to get the undesirable effects of the program above, you have to
int* pp = (int*)q;
or, using a new style cast to make the unchecked type conversion operation more visible:
int* pp = static_cast<int*>(q);
Casts are best avoided.
One of the most common uses of this unsafe conversion in C is to assign the
result of malloc() to a suitable pointer. For example:
int* p = malloc(sizeof(int));
In C++, use the typesafe new operator:
int* p = new int;
Incidentally, the new operator offers additional advantages over malloc():
new can't accidentally allocate the wrong amount of memory,
new implicitly checks for memory exhaustion, and
new provides for initialization
For example:
typedef std::complex<double> cmplx;
/* C style: */
cmplx* p = (cmplx*)malloc(sizeof(int)); /* error: wrong size */
/* forgot to test for p==0 */
if (*p == 7) { /* ... */ } /* oops: forgot to initialize *p */
// C++ style:
cmplx* q = new cmplx(1,2); // will throw bad_alloc if memory is exhausted
if (*q == 7) { /* ... */ }
If you want a constant that you can use in a constant expression, say as
an array bound, you have two choices:
class X {
static const int c1 = 7;
enum { c2 = 19 };
char v1[c1];
char v2[c2];
// ...
At first glance, the declaration of c1 seems cleaner, but note that to use
that in-class initialization syntax, the constant must be a static const of
integral or enumeration type initialized by a constant expression.
That's quite restrictive:
class Y {
const int c3 = 7; // error: not static
static int c4 = 7; // error: not const
static const float c5 = 7; // error: not integral
I tend to use the "enum trick" because it's portable and doesn't tempt me
to use non-standard extensions of the in-class initialization syntax.
So why do these inconvenient restrictions exist?
A class is typically declared in a header file and a header file is typically
included into many translation units.
However, to avoid complicated linker rules, C++ requires that every object
has a unique definition.
That rule would be broken if C++ allowed in-class definition of entities
that needed to be stored in memory as objects.
See D&E for an explanation of C++'s design tradeoffs.
You have more flexibility if the const isn't needed for use in a constant
class Z {
static char* p; // initialize in definition
const int i; // initialize in constructor
Z(int ii) :i(ii) { }
char* Z::p = "hello, there";
You can take the address of a static member if (and only if) it has an
out-of-class definition:
class AE {
// ...
static const int c6 = 7;
static const int c7 = 31;
const int AE::c7; // definition
int f()
const int* p1 = &AE::c6; // error: c6 not an lvalue
const int* p2 = &AE::c7; // ok
// ...
delete p;
// ...
delete p;
If the ... part doesn't touch p then the second "delete p;" is a serious error
that a C++ implementation cannot effectively protect itself against (without
unusual precautions).
Since deleting a zero pointer is harmless by definition, a simple solution
would be for "delete p;" to do a "p=0;" after it has done whatever else
is required.
However, C++ doesn't guarantee that.
One reason is that the operand of delete need not be an lvalue. Consider:
delete p+1;
delete f(x);
Here, the implementation of delete does not have a pointer to which it can
assign zero.
These examples may be rare, but they do imply that it is not possible to
guarantee that ``any pointer to a deleted object is 0.''
A simpler way of bypassing that ``rule'' is to have two pointers to an
T* p = new T;
T* q = p;
delete p;
delete q; // ouch!
C++ explicitly allows an implementation of delete to zero out an lvalue
operand, and I
had hoped that implementations would do that, but that idea doesn't
seem to have become popular with implementers.
If you consider zeroing out pointers important, consider using a destroy
template<class T> inline void destroy(T*& p) { delete p; p = 0; }
Consider this yet-another reason to minimize explicit use of
new and delete by relying on stadard library containers, handles, etc.
Note that passing the pointer as a reference (to allow the pointer to be
zero'd out) has the added benefit of preventing destroy() from being called
for an rvalue:
int* f();
int* p;
// ...
destroy(f()); // error: trying to pass an rvalue by non-const reference
destroy(p+1); // error: trying to pass an rvalue by non-const reference
The simple answer is "of course it is!",
but have a look at the kind of example that often accompany that question:
void f()
X* p = new X;
// use p
That is, there was some (mistaken) assumption that the object created by
"new" would be destroyed at the end of a function.
Basically, you should only use "new" if you want an object to live beyond
the lifetime of the scope you create it in. That done, you need to use
"delete" to destroy it. For example:
X* g(int i) { /* ... */ return new X(i); } // the X outlives the call of g()
void h(int i)
X* p = g(i);
// ...
delete p;
If you want an object to live in a scope only, don't use "new" but simply
define a variable:
ClassName x;
// use x
The variable is implicitly destroyed at the end of the scope.
Code that creates an object using new and then deletes it at the end of the same scope
is ugly, error-prone, and inefficient.
For example:
void fct() // ugly, error-prone, and inefficient
X* p = new X;
// use p
delete p;
The definition
void main() { /* ... */ }
is not and never has been C++, nor has it even been C.
See the ISO C++ standard 3.6.1[2] or the ISO C standard
A conforming implementation accepts
int main() { /* ... */ }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* ... */ }
A conforming implementation may provide more versions of main(),
but they must all have return type int.
The int returned by main() is a way for a program to return a value
to "the system" that invokes it. On systems that doesn't provide such a
facility the return value is ignored, but that doesn't make "void main()"
legal C++ or legal C.
Even if your compiler accepts "void main()" avoid it, or risk being considered
ignorant by C and C++ programmers.
In C++, main() need not contain an explicit return statement. In that case, the
value returned is 0, meaning successful execution.
For example:
int main()
std::cout << "This program returns the integer value 0\n";
Note also that neither ISO C++ nor C99 allows you to leave the type out of a
declaration. That is, in contrast to C89 and ARM C++ ,"int" is not assumed
where a type is missing in a declaration.
main() { /* ... */ }
is an error because the return type of main() is missing.
Most operators can be overloaded by a programmer. The exceptions are
. (dot) :: ?: sizeof
There is no fundamental reason to disallow overloading of ?:.
I just didn't see the need to introduce the special case of overloading
a ternary operator.
Note that a function overloading expr1?expr2:expr3 would not be able to
guarantee that only one of expr2 and expr3 was executed.
Sizeof cannot be overloaded because built-in operations, such as incrementing
a pointer into an array implicitly depends on it. Consider:
X a[10];
X* p = &a[3];
X* q = &a[3];
p++; // p points to a[4]
// thus the integer value of p must be
// sizeof(X) larger than the integer value of q
Thus, sizeof(X) could not be given a new and different meaning by the
programmer without violating basic language rules.
In N::m neither N nor m are expressions with values; N and m are names known
to the compiler and :: performs a (compile time) scope resolution rather
than an expression evaluation. One could imagine allowing overloading of x::y
where x is an object rather than a namespace or a class, but that would - contrary to first appearences - involve introducing new syntax (to allow expr::expr). It is not obvious what benefits such a complication would bring.
Operator . (dot) could in principle be overloaded using the same technique as
used for ->.
However, doing so can lead to questions about whether an operation is
meant for the object overloading . or an object referred to by . For example:
class Y {
void f();
// ...
class X { // assume that you can overload .
Y* p;
Y& operator.() { return *p; }
void f();
// ...
void g(X& x)
x.f(); // X::f or Y::f or error?
This problem can be solved in several ways.
At the time of standardization, it was not obvious which way would be best.
For more details, see D&E.
The simplest way is to use a stringstream:
using namespace std;
string itos(int i) // convert int to string
stringstream s;
s << i;
return s.str();
int main()
int i = 127;
string ss = itos(i);
const char* p = ss.c_str();
cout << ss << " " << p << "\n";
Naturally, this technique works for converting any type that you can output
using << to a string.
For a description of string streams, see 21.5.3 of The C++ Programming Language.
Just declare the C function ``extern "C"'' (in your C++ code) and call it
(from your C or C++ code).
For example:
// C++ code
extern "C" void f(int); // one way
extern "C" { // another way
int g(double);
double h();
void code(int i, double d)
int ii = g(d);
double dd = h();
// ...
The definitions of the functions may look like this:
/* C code: */
void f(int i)
/* ... */
int g(double d)
/* ... */
double h()
/* ... */
Note that C++ type rules, not C rules, are used. So you can't call function
declared ``extern "C"'' with the wrong number of argument. For example:
// C++ code
void more_code(int i, double d)
double dd = h(i,d); // error: unexpected arguments
// ...
Just declare the C++ function ``extern "C"'' (in your C++ code) and call it
(from your C or C++ code).
For example:
// C++ code:
extern "C" void f(int);
void f(int i)
// ...
Now f() can be used like this:
/* C code: */
void f(int);
void cc(int i)
/* ... */
Naturally, this works only for non-member functions. If you want to call
member functions (incl. virtual functions) from C, you need to provide a
simple wrapper.
For example:
// C++ code:
class C {
// ...
virtual double f(int);
extern "C" double call_C_f(C* p, int i) // wrapper function
return p->f(i);
Now C::f() can be used like this:
/* C code: */
double call_C_f(struct C* p, int i);
void ccc(struct C* p, int i)
double d = call_C_f(p,i);
/* ... */
If you want to call overloaded functions from C, you must provide wrappers
with distinct names for the C code to use.
For example:
// C++ code:
void f(int);
void f(double);
extern "C" void f_i(int i) { f(i); }
extern "C" void f_d(double d) { f(d); }
Now the f() functions can be used like this:
/* C code: */
void f_i(int);
void f_d(double);
void cccc(int i,double d)
/* ... */
Note that these techniques can be used to call a C++ library from C code even
if you cannot (or do not want to) modify the C++ headers.
Both are "right" in the sense that both are valid C and C++ and both
have exactly the same meaning. As far as the language definitions and
the compilers are concerned
we could just as well say ``int*p;'' or ``int * p;''
The choice between ``int* p;'' and ``int *p;'' is not about right and
but about style and emphasis.
C emphasized expressions; declarations were
often considered little more than a necessary evil. C++, on the other
hand, has a heavy emphasis on types.
A ``typical C programmer'' writes ``int *p;'' and explains it ``*p is
what is the int'' emphasizing syntax, and may point to
the C (and C++) declaration grammar to argue for the correctness of the
style. Indeed, the * binds to the name p in the grammar.
A ``typical C++ programmer'' writes ``int* p;'' and explains it ``p is
a pointer to an int'' emphasizing type. Indeed the type of p is int*.
I clearly prefer that emphasis
and see it as important for using the more advanced parts of C++ well.
The critical confusion comes (only) when people try to declare several
pointers with a single declaration:
int* p, p1; // probable error: p1 is not an int*
Placing the * closer to the name does not make this kind of error
significantly less likely.
int *p, p1; // probable error?
Declaring one name per declaration minimizes the
problem - in particular when we initialize the variables. People are
far less likely to write:
int* p = &i;
int p1 = p; // error: int initialized by int*
And if they do, the compiler will complain.
Whenever something can be done in two ways, someone will be confused.
Whenever something is a matter of taste, discussions can drag on
forever. Stick to one pointer per declaration and always initialize
and the source of confusion disappears.
See The Design and Evolution of C++ for a longer discussion of the C declaration syntax.
Such style issues are a matter of personal taste.
Often, opinions about code layout are strongly held, but
probably consistency matters more than any particular style.
Like most people, I'd have a hard time constructing a solid logical argument
for my preferences.
I personally use what is often called "K&R" style. When you add conventions
for constructs not found in C, that becomes what is sometimes called
"Stroustrup" style.
For example:
class C : public B {
// ...
void f(int* p, int max)
if (p) {
// ...
for (int i = 0; i<max; ++i) {
// ...
This style conserves vertical space better than most layout styles,
and I like to
fit as much as is reasonable onto a screen. Placing the opening brace of a
function on a new line
helps me distinguish function definition from class definitions
at a glance.
Indentation is very important.
Design issues, such as the use of
abstract classes for major interfaces,
use of templates to present flexible type-safe abstractions, and
proper use of exceptions to represent errors,
are far more important than the choice of layout style.
No I don't recommend "Hungarian".
I regard "Hungarian" (embedding an abbreviated version of a type in a variable name)
a technique that can be useful in untyped languages, but is completely unsuitable
for a language that supports generic programming and object-oriented programming
- both of which emphasize selection of operations based on the type an arguments
(known to the language or to the run-time support).
In this case, "building the type of an object into names" simply complicates and
minimizes abstraction.
To various extent, I have similar problems with every scheme that embeds information
about language-technical details (e.g., scope, storage class, syntactic category)
into names.
I agree that in some cases, building type hints into variable names can be helpful,
but in general, and especially as software evolves, this becomes a maintenance hazard and a
serious detriment to good code. Avoid it as the plague.
So, I don't like naming a variable after its type; what do I like and recommend?
Name a variable (function, type, whatever) based on what it is or does.
Choose meaningful name; that is, choose names that will help people understand
your program. Even you will have problems understanding what your
program is supposed to do if you litter it with variables with
easy-to-type names like x1, x2, s3, and p7. Abbreviations and
acronyms can confuse people, so use them sparingly. Acronyms should
be used sparingly. Consider, mtbf, TLA, myw, RTFM, and NBV. They are obvious,
but wait a few months and even I will have forgotten at least one.
Short names, such as x and i, are meaningful when used
conventionally; that is, x should be a local variable or a parameter
and i should be a loop index.
Don't use overly long names; they are hard to type, make lines so long
that they don't fit on a screen, and are hard to read quickly. These are
probably ok:
partial_sum element_count staple_partition
These are probably too long:
the_number_of_elements remaining_free_slots_in_symbol_table
I prefer to use underscores to separate words in an
identifier (e.g, element_count) rather than alternatives,
such as elementCount and ElementCount.
Never use names with all capital
letter (e.g., BEGIN_TRANSACTION) because that's conventionally reserved for macros.
Even if you don't use macros, someone might have littered your header files with them.
Use an initial capital letter for types (e.g., Square and Graph).
The C++ language and standard library don't use capital letters, so it's
int rather than Int and string rather than String.
That way, you can recognize the standard types.
Avoid names that are easy to mistype, misread, or confuse. For example
name names nameS
foo f00
fl f1 fI fi
The characters 0, o, O, 1, l, and I are particularly prone to cause trouble.
Often, your choice of naming conventions is limited by local style rules.
Remember that a maintaining a consistent style is often more important than
doing every little detail in the way you think best.
I put it before, but that's a matter of taste. "const T"
and "T const" were - and are - (both) allowed and equivalent.
For example:
const int a = 1; // ok
int const b = 2; // also ok
My guess is that using the first version will confuse fewer programmers
(``is more idiomatic'').
Why? When I invented "const" (initially named "readonly" and had a
corresponding "writeonly"), I allowed it to go before or after the type
because I could do so without ambiguity. Pre-standard C and C++ imposed few
(if any) ordering rules on specifiers.
I don't remember any deep thoughts or involved discussions about
the order at the time. A few of the early users - notably me - simply
liked the look of
const int c = 10;
better than
int const c = 10;
at the time.
I may have been influenced by the fact that my earliest examples
were written using "readonly" and
readonly int c = 10;
does read better than
int readonly c = 10;
The earliest (C or C++) code using "const" appears to have been
created (by me) by a global substitution of "const" for "readonly".
I remember discussing syntax alternatives with several people -
incl. Dennis Ritchie - but I don't remember which languages I looked at then.
Note that in const pointers, "const" always comes after the "*". For example:
int *const p1 = q; // constant pointer to int variable
int const* p2 = q; // pointer to constant int
const int* p3 = q; // pointer to constant int
Casts are generally best avoided.
With the exception of dynamic_cast, their use implies the possibility of a type error or
the truncation of a numeric value. Even an innocent-looking cast can become a serious
problem if, during
development or maintenance, one of the types involved is changed.
For example, what does this mean?:
x = (T)y;
We don't know. It depends on the type T and the types of x and y.
T could be the name of a class, a typedef, or maybe a template parameter.
Maybe x and y are scalar variables and (T) represents a value conversion.
Maybe x is of a class derived from y's class and (T) is a downcast.
Maybe x and y are unrelated pointer types.
Because the C-style cast (T) can be used to express many logically different operations,
the compiler has only the barest chance to catch misuses.
For the same reason, a programmer may not know exactly what a cast does. This is sometimes
considered an advantage by novice programmers and is a source of subtle errors when the
novice guessed wrong.
The "new-style casts" were introduced to give programmers a chance to state their intentions
more clearly and for the compiler to catch more errors. For example:
int a = 7;
double* p1 = (double*) &a; // ok (but a doesn't point to a double)
double* p2 = static_cast<double*>(&a); // error
double* p2 = reinterpret_cast<double*>(&a); // ok: I really mean it
const int c = 7;
int* q1 = &c; // error
int* q2 = (int*)&c; // ok (but *q2=2; is still invalid code and may fail)
int* q3 = static_cast<int*>(&c); // error: static_cast doesn't cast away const
int* q4 = const_cast<int*>(&c); // I really mean it
The idea is that conversions allowed by static_cast are somewhat less likely to lead to errors
than those that require reinterpret_cast.
In principle, it is possible to use the result of a static_cast without casting it back to its
original type, whereas you should always cast the result of a reinterpret_cast back to its original
type before using it to ensure portability.
A secondary reason for introducing the new-style cast was that C-style casts are very hard
to spot in a program. For example, you can't conveniently search for casts using an ordinary
editor or word processor. This near-invisibility of C-style casts is especially unfortunate
because they are so potentially damaging. An ugly operation should have an ugly syntactic form.
That observation was part of the reason for choosing the syntax for the new-style casts.
A further reason was for the new-style casts to match the template notation, so that programmers
can write their own casts, especially run-time checked casts.
Maybe, because static_cast is so ugly and so relatively hard to type, you're more likely
to think twice before using one? That would be good, because casts really are mostly avoidable
in modern C++.
Macros do not obey the C++ scope and type rules.
This is often the cause of subtle and not-so-subtle problems.
Consequently, C++ provides alternatives that fit better with the rest of C++,
such as inline functions, templates, and namespaces.
#include "someheader.h"
struct S {
int alpha;
int beta;
If someone (unwisely) has written a macro called "alpha" or a macro called
"beta" this may not compile or (worse) compile into something unexpected.
For example, "someheader.h" may contain:
#define alpha 'a'
#define beta b[2]
Conventions such as having macros (and only macros) in ALLCAPS helps,
but there is no language-level protection against macros.
For example, the fact
that the member names were in the scope of the struct didn't help:
Macros operate on
a program as a stream of characters before the compiler proper sees it.
This, incidentally, is a major reason for C and C++ program development
environments and tools have been unsophisticated: the human and the compiler
see different things.
Unfortunately, you cannot assume that other programmers consistently
avoid what you
consider "really stupid". For example, someone recently reported to me that
they had encountered a macro containing a goto. I have seen that also and
heard arguments that might - in a weak moment - appear to make sense.
For example:
#define prefix get_ready(); int ret__
#define Return(i) ret__=i; do_something(); goto exit
#define suffix exit: cleanup(); return ret__
void f()
// ...
// ...
Imagine being presented with that as a maintenance programmer;
"hiding" the macros in a header - as is not uncommon - makes this kind of
"magic" harder to spot.
One of the most common subtle problems is that a function-style macro doesn't
obey the rules of function argument passing. For example:
#define square(x) (x*x)
void f(double d, int i)
square(d); // fine
square(i++); // ouch: means (i++*i++)
square(d+1); // ouch: means (d+1*d+1); that is, (d+d+1)
// ...
The "d+1" problem is solved by adding parentheses in the "call" or in the
macro definition:
#define square(x) ((x)*(x)) /* better */
However, the problem with the (presumably unintended) double evaluation of i++
And yes, I do know that there are things known as macros that doesn't suffer
the problems of C/C++ preprocessor macros.
However, I have no ambitions for improving C++ macros.
Instead, I recommend the use of facilities from the C++ language proper,
such as inline functions, templates, constructors (for initialization),
destructors (for cleanup), exceptions (for exiting contexts), etc.
"cout" is pronounced "see-out". The "c" stands for "character" because iostreams map values
to and from byte (char) representations.
"char" is usually pronounced "tchar", not "kar". This may seem illogical because "character"
is pronounced "ka-rak-ter", but nobody ever accused English pronunciation (not "pronounciation" :-)
and spelling of
being logical.
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